Oh boy am I sore. The WOD on Tuesday night was a deceiving little treat.
‘Cindy’....20mins AMRAP:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
Now silly me, I figured they’d be weighted squats. But after doing 20 mins and pushing out 11+18, I suuuuure was glad I didn’t have any weight on my shoulders for those squats! Yesterday was supposed to be chest, shoulders and traps but since I couldn't even manage to wash my hair properly I decided to give my body a healing day. Clearly that’s what it was telling me I needed!
Tonight is Crossfit again. I’m still sore, but going to suck it up.
For Load:
5-5-5 Dead Lift
For Distance:
1-1-1 Handstand Walk
For Height:
1-1-1 Box Jump
For Time:
400m Row
My PR for dead lift right now is 65kgs and row 400m is 1:36.2 so I’m hoping to set new PR’s on those two. I have yet to experience box jumps and last time I tried a handstand walk, I fell over. I’ll be happy with any result for that. At least when you start at the bottom the only way is up!
Pretty sure I could eat smoked salmon for every meal. Moar!
You should get in for a massage Jac Jac! I love the chin up apparatus, is that at your crossfit place?
ReplyDeleteI am definitely due for a massage Charlie! Yes this is at Crossfit!