I know...I’ve been slack. Coach Master Craig has been on my case to post something. I don’t really have an excuse other than I got pretty busy at work in the last week and haven’t had time to write anything during the day. Jen also brought me a nice souvenir from Canada....a cold. I don’t even remember the last time I had a cold...I’d say about a year and a half to two years. So after work I’ve just been relaxing with my feet up and catching a few hours of the oh-so-handsome Harvey Spector (if you don’t watch Suits you need to NOW!) before crawling into the bedroom for a 7 hour cough-induced coma.
Ok let me go back for a minute. I don’t follow too many TV series’ (aside from HIMYM, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones), but about a week and a half ago we started watching Suits and...oh...my...gah! I was hooked from episode one and not just because of his amazing haircut and rugged handsomeness (it’s a big part though, he’s dreamy). I challenge you...watch one episode...you’ll be hooked! I’m pretty sure Jen is going to go back to Canada and sign up for cable TV just to get her Harvey fix.
A couple new PR’s for me this week! 92.5kg deadlift for 3 reps and 37.5kg 1RM snatch! I also managed to get my first unassisted pull-up so I’m pretty happy about that. I still get impatient with myself and I feel I have to really be aware of the fact that these things take time and I will get there eventually. Baby steps are still a step in the right direction. Tonight we’re doing 75 handstand push-ups for time. Here’s to another baby step.
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