
Friday, August 31, 2012

keep on keepin' on

Last night I hit my first wall. I was out for a run and at about the 5km mark I started to feel really weird. Nothing was hurting but I felt ready to collapse. My body was drained and it had nothing left to keep going. This kind of thing gets me really frustrated because in my mind I want to push on but my body just says no. I went home and right away had a piece of whole wheat toast with butter on it and a mouthful of orange juice. I immediately started to feel better. My body was missing something. Carbs, sugar maybe. I guess I should be a little bit more lenient with my eating habits in order to give my body what it needs to operate correctly. I’ve been really limiting carbs, especially in the evening, but maybe I need to change that up. I’ll have to do something because what I felt last night was not a good sign and I really need to listen. This is a dynamic learning experience and I have to find what works for me as I go.

I find myself lacking motivation lately as well. I think if I ever do this again it’ll be a lot easier the second time and not just because I’ve already done it once. Right now the end result is unknown (although I know what I want it to be). I don’t know what feelings or sense of accomplishment I’ll get from walking out onto that stage. Will it be enough to make me do it all again? Who knows! But if I do end up training for another competition, I’ll know exactly what it’ll be worth which I think will make the process a lot easier. In saying that, even when the competition is over I will most likely stick with some of the things I’ve been doing. My body has definitely leaned out and looks strong and that’s something I want to maintain all year round. And bikini season is right around the corner!


  1. I'm sure you've already done all your research but have you thought about carb cycling? Might prevent that drained but still want to go feeling while still getting you the benefits of low carbohydrates.

  2. I have thought about carb cycling and I think I'm going to try it. I think I have a fairly high metabolism to start with so I'll need those high carb days to balance out. I'm going to try it this week!
